Hi! I’m Kelly and I’m one of the healing facilitators with She’s Restored, a post-abortion healing and recovery bible study. I am deeply committed to this important work out of an abundance of gratitude for what Jesus did in my heart when I went through, She’s Restored in 2014. He pulled me from the depths of my deepest shame and restored my heart and set me free. I’ve had three abortions and I shoved those memories and associated feelings down into oblivion. Out of sight, out of mind, right? I wasn’t allowed to feel bad because I was the one who made those choices.
Never did I realize the unspoken pain and grief I carried for so many years. And how those terrible decisions – which seemed right at the time – would impact my relationships and the lens through which I experienced the world. But God… The healing He had in store for me! I signed up for this group and did the work. it was a painful journey, but one that I am so glad I traveled with an amazing sisterhood of women and Jesus by my side. I learned to trust Him and His heart for me. And now He has called me to serve Him in this sacred space and I am honored to do so.
There’s hope, you know. We don’t have to feel that little twinge of pain every time we hear the word abortion or see an abortion clinic. We don’t have to hide in shame. There’s freedom and restoration available - freely given by the One who created the Universe. Great is His love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness.
I live in Hockinson with my husband of 16 years, our daughter and our golden retriever. We love to experience the outdoors, eat delicious food (tacos are my love language!) and spend time together as a family. I also love to read and spend time at the beach.